BeCom: Bauhaus Revisited

Exactly a century ago, at Bauhaus Dessau, in Saxony-Anhalt, Walter Gropius and his Bauhaus pioneers revolutionised design and architecture through principles that celebrated light and space, merging art and design with technology and craft.

This movement was about aesthetics but also about reimagining how we live, work, and create. Today, icons like the Bauhaus building and the master houses, once home to visionaries like Kandinsky and Klee, stand as reminders of the movement’s enduring legacy both through artwork but much more through architecture and industrial design. Most probably many of us are using chairs, tables, cupboards and lamps or living and working in spaces  deriving exactly from the Bauhaus masters.

Fast forward to today: through the Erasmus Plus BeCOM BeautifulCommunities project, we are connecting Bauhaus ideals to modern challenges, guided by the principles of the New European Bauhaus. This moves beyond functionality or beauty and embodies sustainability 🌱, inclusivity 🤝, and entrepreneurship 💡 into the DNA of our communities.


BeCom Mission?

Our mission? To integrate timeless Bauhaus values with solutions for the future. This means creating spaces and systems that are as innovative and inclusive as they are sustainable and functional. Whether its a VET school in Germany 🇩🇪 , a municipality in northern Romania 🇷🇴 , a neighbourhood in Spain 🇪🇸, training centre in Greece 🇬🇷 or a business hub in Serbia 🇷🇸, we have kicked it off recently in hashtag#Magdeburg and will be rolling out the impact, based on the same fundamental principles, across the continent through diverse settings and local specifics.

By building on the deeds of giants like Gropius, Kandinsky, and Klee, we are transforming their vision into something new. With BeCom Project under the Erasmus Plus programme, we aim to preserve a legacy and actively shape what functional, inclusive, entrepreneurial and innovative communities can look like 🚀 It is a true privilege to continue this journey, inspired by the past and driven by the future powered by the excellent team FA-Magdeburg SBH Nordost GmbH Ralf Sachsenmaier, SC Rogepa Liviana Marinescu, el Risell sccl Laura Camprubí Georgina Folguera, Mathemagenesis Vasilis Kratidis, Glenfield Training and Consulting Aleksandar Radulovic Milos Aleksic