Glenfield global reach


(1) : a secluded narrow valley


‘fēld (noun)

(1) : an area of cleared enclosed land used for cultivation or pasture

(2) : land containing a natural resource


(1) : a secluded narrow valley


‘fēld (noun)

(1) : an area of cleared enclosed land used for cultivation or pasture

(2) : land containing a natural resource

About Us

Glenfield is an international partnership of academia and practical expertise, built upon decades of outstanding achievements in the areas of finance, management and executive education. Our work is organised around three pillars of service – areas of expertise and excellence: Financial Management, Business Strategy, Organisation and Processes, and Internal Capacity Building. Through innovative financial and management platforms we provide bespoke solutions for complex programmes to governments, ministries, funds, investors and final beneficiaries such as financial institutions and companies, but we also support startups and re-starters through adjusted, basic but highly professional services, accompanied by unique customer experience. We are based in Belgrade, Serbia, but our outreach is global.

Key regions of operations

Regions we operate in


Middle East

East Africa

Why was Glenfield established – Our purpose and our Mission

Glenfield was set up to support potentially successful enterprises to overcome their challenges and achieve their full commercial potential. Glenfield vision is to be the advisory services provider of choice to the SME and Banking community and a trusted partner to selected clients within our regions of operations. Our mission is simple: to help good companies and institutions survive, prosper and thrive.

Our Differentiating Value Proposition

We recognized a need to do business differently. Firstly, in the way we conduct business – ‘’the way we work together’.  We believe in true partnership, which means we are guided by the values of mutual respect, integrity, trust, transparency, responsibility and excellence and fully accept our responsibility to bring forward value-adding, best practice solutions tailored to the exact needs of the client at hand. The second aspect of differentiation is the quality of the team we bring to our clients. Our team consists of vastly experienced business practitioners, like minded and motivated, each an expert in different aspects of business management. Together we bring an unrivaled blend of expertise, perspective, experience and insight. We are united by a shared belief in the Glenfield vision, business model and the values that define and differentiate the Glenfield value-proposition in the marketplace. What you get: real, tangible, long-term, bottom-line benefits.

We get things done!

Our Areas of Expertise

Glenfield is a registered and certified advisory service provider by the major international instances, such as European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), USAID and European Training Foundation (ETF) for expert advisory services in the areas of Financial Management, Strategy and Organization, HR Management and Systems, Staff and Management Training


Business Starategy, Organisation and Processes

Internal Capacity

Whether your business model encompasses one of the following:

1) Financial Institutions including Commercial Banks and MFIs;

2) Real sector such as Corporations, MSMEs and Farmers, or

3) Development Organizations and Institutions such as IFI’s, Chambers of Commerce, Development Agencies and similar,

we have both the expertise and the experience to craft and deliver the solutions you need. 


With our expretise and resources of our pool of experts and partners, we are proficient in taking a part of your operations and delivering on your behalf, as if it is our own, but more convenient.

Technical Assistance

Whether it is development of new procedures, processes and practices, or products and services, we have the skills and tools to craft solutions and embed them into the organisation.

Training | Coaching | Mentoring

We can provide training, models to have it rooted in the organisation and successfully transferred into your future operations for years to come, from all the areas of our expertise.

Our Clients’ Segments

Financial institutions support

Financial Institutions

We provide a wide range of services to all types of financial institutions, including commercial and development banks, microfinance institutions, savings and loans, etc.  We typically group the advisory services under the following areas: processes improvement, managing client segments, risk management and staff capacities development, but we will deliver a tailored solution fitting your exact needs in every single case… even if it means reinventing the wheel (or a crafting an even better shape).

SME services

Real Sector

While working closely with enterprises of different sizes, shapes and activities across the world,  over the past decades, we have witnessed the creation, development but also demise of many. We have seen businesses fail, opportunities missed, and chances offered but not taken… Many of these failed because they lacked fundamental business management skills, while the others failed to see the changes happening, or failed to build the resilience to face the ever changing environment. Our mission addresses exactly these shortcomings and we provide the solution.

Development institutions support

Development Institutions

Glenfield is a business advisory services provider of choice, recognized by all relevant development institutions. Whether it is about internal capacities development and staff training, developing and running innovative programmes, or crafting groundbreaking solutions, or providing services for beneficiaries, we aim to deliver world class, hands-on consulting. Our mission is to explore uncharted territories; explore finance on the frontier; to seek out new models and new solutions; to boldly go where no one has gone before.