Digitalizacija u Glenfield sistemu hvata zamah – nakon COVID boostovane tranzicije ka online modelima isporuke kroz Zoom i ostale platforme, koje su obeležile praktično ceo COVID Crisis Management koncept webinara, do inovativnih metoda isporuke obuka koje smo nedavno lansirali u formi Glenfield E-Learning.
U segmentu knjigovodstvenih usluga odavno omogućavamo korisnicima skoro potpuno digitalno funkcionisanje, bez potrebe da odvajaju vreme da fizički razmenjujemo dokumenta. No, da bismo iskoristili najbolje prakse, proverili smo dokle smo stigli u prilagođavanju usluge uz pomoć AI.
Zaključak – Chat GPT kao da je nas pitao kako da eksterno knjigovodstvo bude smisleno i svrsishodno, dok istovremeno ne opterećuje korisnike i omogućava im da se fokusiraju na svoje poslovanje:
An outsourced accounting firm can make accounting purposeful and meaningful without burdening businesses by providing the following services:
Accurate and timely financial reporting: The firm should provide accurate, up-to-date financial statements and reports that help businesses understand their financial performance.
Customized accounting solutions: The firm should be able to tailor their services to meet the specific needs of each business, and offer customized accounting solutions to help meet their unique challenges.
Expert advice and guidance: The firm should provide expert advice and guidance to help businesses make informed decisions about their finances, and offer suggestions for improving financial performance.
Compliance support: The firm should stay current on tax laws and regulations and provide support to ensure businesses stay in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
Streamlined processes: The firm should implement processes and systems that make accounting more efficient and reduce the burden on businesses.
Regular communication: The firm should establish regular lines of communication with businesses and provide regular updates on the status of their accounts.
By providing these services, an outsourced accounting firm can help businesses stay on top of their finances and make informed decisions, while freeing up their time and resources to focus on their core operations.

U susret našem desetom rođendanu, pripremamo niz aktivnosti, iznenađenja i poklona za sve koji nas prate na LinkedIn, kao i kroz, i koji se putem mejla na prijave za Private Briefing ili Glenfield E-Learning probno korišćenje.
To uključuje i posebne ponude treninga, kao i ChatGPT usaglašen model knjigovodstvene podrške.